Our membership is made up of Transactional Analysis (TA) practitioners, trainees and individuals interested in TA who want to come together to for individual and group learning, supervision and to attend events relating to TA in Ireland. The things our members have in common is a keen interest in TA and developing TA in Ireland and we are looking for members to join our association to achieve this.
We are an affiliated member of EATA – European Association of Transactional Analysis (EATA) and we remain in close contact with them via our delegate. EATA has 46 associated national organisations or special interest groups elsewhere in Europe.
We also collaborate with ITAA – The International Transactional Analysis Association. ITAA represents the global transactional analysis (TA) community and aims to expand TA as a recognized and respected psychological modality worldwide.
For TIATA the promotion of TA in Ireland is our core focus. We want to introduce and develop the theory and practice of TA to all people and sectors in Ireland, such as corporate organisations, educational institutes, healthcare and personal life settings and we welcome all enquires to join and be involved in support of this.
What is TA?
Transactional analysis is a social psychology developed by Eric Berne, MD (d.1970). Berne’s theory consists of certain key concepts that practitioners use to support clients, students, and systems analyze and change patterns of interaction that interfere with achieving life aspirations. Over the past 40 years, Berne’s theory has evolved to include applications in counseling, education, organizational development, and psychotherapy. Research studies have evaluated the effectiveness of transactional analysis in a wide variety of contexts.
Over many decades of research and application, TA has contributed significantly to the humanistic growth of thousands of individuals and groups and is founded in the adherence to and promotion of human ethics, which is encapsulated in the TA concept I’m Ok, You’re OK. There have been many very successful books written by TA advocates and the initial introduction to TA for all aspiring TA enthusiast is the brief workshop called TA101.